After one year of hardship studying days and night eating pasta and poutine, Dreeny finally got a MBA. Yeah! Ready to conquer the world, Dreeny is looking for a job to start her fabulous career of dream and decadence. Where to start though?... Read on the fascinating adventures of Dreeny "The jobhunter"!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Thx for reading Dreeny's bloggy!

I really enjoy writing this blog as well as the other one but what make me even happier is that it is actually read by many of you and on a regular basis. I receive often comments by email about what I write and I find that very rewarding. I know that you guys care about me and are interested of knowing how my job search and life is doing and that is really nice.

So since that is of interest to you, I will make sure I give you the latest updates. Right now, I’m not only waiting with impatience and preparing my interview with Unilever which I hope will put an end to my job search but I’m also backing myself with searching actively for other jobs. The recruitment process taking so long in large companies, I know that if I send my resume now to a company and that they are interested, I may not heard from them for another month. And the longest you wait, the best and most interesting is often the company and the job because they have a lot of applicants to deal with. So it is sometimes worth to wait like in the case of Unilever.

In the meantime, I register for a free search agents at Monster that sent me an email with the job that maybe of interested to me on a daily basis. I check them and applied to every single one that sounds nice to me. Next to that, I also try to find companies that I would like to work for and surf their websites in search of jobs in Marketing and they applied to them or I just send my resume and a cover letter even if they don’t offer any jobs.

It is quite a hard process to look for a job because positive answers are not frequent but in my case they do happen once in a while and when they do happen they are great so I’m still motivated and I try not to stress myself out. Patience and confidence are key here I guess. Also I’m not looking for just any jobs, I have specific criteria, expectations and my own limits so it takes longer than for a regular job. The MBA was such a long and hard investment in my life that I want to get the best of it and have the job that I should deserve with the credentials I have now. My goal now is to start working in January. Let’s hope this happens!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sandrine,

I somehow can't find your e-mail address anymore... could you please send it to me once again? Thanks!


November 27, 2004 at 7:29 PM

Blogger whatever said...

c envoyé JJ!;-)

November 29, 2004 at 10:37 AM


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