After one year of hardship studying days and night eating pasta and poutine, Dreeny finally got a MBA. Yeah! Ready to conquer the world, Dreeny is looking for a job to start her fabulous career of dream and decadence. Where to start though?... Read on the fascinating adventures of Dreeny "The jobhunter"!

Friday, December 24, 2004


My negotiation about the salary with Publicis went well. They increased a lot their initial offer and I'm happy with it.
So there it is, Dreeny the jobhunter will become Dreeny the workhacolic from Januari 3rd 2005 on. This was a long journey from the MBA classroom to my first post MBA job and I enjoyed a lot my forced hollidays. Another week of lazy freedom before starting the office slacker life. Can't wait for it!
Wish me good luck in my new job. Thanks for supporting me in my jobsearch and for reading this blog. I may start a new one to bitch about my new job, who knows?;-)

And by the way, Merry Christmas to everyone!!! XXX


Blogger whatever said...

Thanks Mez, that's really nice. I didn't know you were going to do something new. What are your plans?


December 27, 2004 at 4:00 AM

Blogger whatever said...

That's nice. It's funny because many friends of mine are thinking of doing the same and to stop working to go study. You're the third one in less than 2 weeks who's telling me this. I guess that's the right time.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do but please try to do something in Europe. It would be fun to see you here.


December 30, 2004 at 10:00 AM

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November 10, 2005 at 6:00 AM


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