After one year of hardship studying days and night eating pasta and poutine, Dreeny finally got a MBA. Yeah! Ready to conquer the world, Dreeny is looking for a job to start her fabulous career of dream and decadence. Where to start though?... Read on the fascinating adventures of Dreeny "The jobhunter"!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Thank you letters work!

As a good MBA graduated, I reminded myself to follow the advices of the career center which are to always follow an interview with a thank you letter thanking the interviewer for taking the time to see you and stressing the fact that you are even more interested by the job now. Well I did so after my interview with Publicis and an hour later, I received another mail thanking me for my email and asking me to have a meeting as soon as possible with no less than the Director of the agency to discuss the position again. I did so and my meeting is schedulled on Wednesday at 10 am! I'm so thrilled by all this!


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