After one year of hardship studying days and night eating pasta and poutine, Dreeny finally got a MBA. Yeah! Ready to conquer the world, Dreeny is looking for a job to start her fabulous career of dream and decadence. Where to start though?... Read on the fascinating adventures of Dreeny "The jobhunter"!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Master in Psychology instead of Bachelor

I used to never know how to translate the name of my university degree in international standards. People usually qualify such degree as a Bachelor in Psychology so I used that in my resume but I always thought that it was more like a master because studies in Belgium to obtain a Psychology Degree are 5 years long unlike in other countries where it is usually 3 years.

The good news is that European countries are now launching the Bologna process of creating a "European higher education area". The aim is to continue developing a system of easily 'readable' and comparable degrees, based on undergraduate and postgraduate studies across european countries.

My home university is participating in the process and the decision was taken to classify my degree as a Master so there you go, I have now a Master in Psychology!!! I need now to update my resume because I mistakingly wrote Bachelor.


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